what we support |
server-side includes (*.shtml)
can insert the contents of one file into a page when loaded, allowing many pages to insert a common copyright notice, etc. A shtml file can also execute a cgi and insert the output. Many more functions exist, see the official documentation here for detailed instructions.
apache's mod_rewrite
very powerful regular-expression based url rewriting and redirection, used in .htaccess. Official documentation is here.
password protected directories
restrict access of subdirectories with a username and password, used in .htaccess
cron jobs
run a command or script at a certain time on certain days, highly configurable
perl interpreter
latest version, used to run popular cgi scripts
ftp resume
our ftp server supports resuming aborted uploads and downloads, if your client can do it
what we don't support |
Frontpage sub-webs
Sub-webs are rarely useful, and are difficult to configure. They also can mess up your web site if not used properly. Instead of creating a sub-web, just create a normal subdirectory.
Windows NT
Including ASP, Access databases, ODBC, Microsoft SQL
We do not support Windows NT on the server side in any way. |